
Studio Policy

Welcome!  I am looking forward to sharing the joy of music with you and your family.  Following is important important information for you to keep handy for future reference.

Tuition:  1st month (4-lessons) along with $25 annual materials fee is due at your first lesson. After that, tuition is due in advance prior to the 1st of the following month, which is the last week of the current month. Tuition received after the 1st will attract a $20 late fee.  Frequent late pays and cancellations may result in termination of reserved lessons.

Annual Materials Fee:  Materials fee covers books, binders, prizes and general supplies used by students during the course of lessons.  This is an annual fee collected upon initial signup; thereafter in October every year.  If you signed up for lessons in the same calendar year, your fee is waived until the following year.

Attendance:  Regular, weekly sessions are necessary and encouraged to make progress.  Lessons are scheduled in advance for the month.  If a student chooses to cancel a session for any reason, there are no makeups or credits. If the teacher misses a lesson, a credit will be given the following month. To prevent the spread of illness, please keep sick students at home.  Students exhibiting signs of illness will be sent home.

Cancellation:  A two-week advance notice is required to cancel future lessons.  Lessons cancelled mid-month are not refunded.

Holidays:  5th week sessions are applied to holidays. Any holidays taken by the studio not covered by a 5th week, will be applied as a student credit. The following holidays are generally observed in the studio but subject to change:

  • Spring Break (the week before Easter)
  • Memorial Day
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day
  • Winter Break - (2 Weeks Xmas & New Year)

IMPORTANT:  If the last lesson of the month is missed for any reason, tuition is still due no later than the 1st.  A dropbox for checks is located at the studio. Checks can also be mailed to me at:  Robyn McLaughlin, 11310 Prospect Dr. Ste. 10, PMB 169, Jackson, CA, 95642. 

Thank You,

